In its commercial version, OPSENE does not use a laser, and actually does not need it at all. In its military version a medium-power laser could be used, mostly because it is difficult to get LED arrays with a power of some tens of Watts.
Power consumption is noticeable smaller in OPSENE. The version which detects feeble smoke at 3 km in full daylight uses 15 W at 12Vdc, which is far lower than LIDAR systems, including in these 15 W the light emitting, movement, data processing, telecommunications, video-camera, etc. The maximum optical power emitted in the commercial version is only of 4.5 W peak (just for a short time), and 3 W peak and 1.5 W average power in standard mode.
It works from 10-18 Vdc, and everywhere within the equipment the voltage is low. It is classified as a Low Voltage Equipment, and it has no special safety requirements regarding voltage or power.
OPSENE technology is eye-safe, even at short range.
Unattended operation: the system is autonomous and automatic. It does not require human attention, except when a new target is detected.
The system is designed to be left by itself in the field, scanning its territory in the search for plumes. It works 24 hr/day, 365 days/year.
OPSENE is quite fast at detecting plumes: with the standard number of repeats and with an integration time of 0.7 s, it detects a feeble smoke plume at 3 km. The system spends around 1 s on each scanning position (2 degrees wide), and during this time it performs all the operations: PRMB emission, data integration, detection algorithm and movement to next scanning position. A full 360 degrees scan takes some 3 minutes.
OPSENE has a proprietary detection algorithm, which allows for an outstanding signal to background sunlight ratio better than -110 dB.
It has been endowed with a Target Tracking software which greatly reduces the false alarm rate. The user is only disturbed when a new target appears over the horizon.
OPSENE technology has far lower maintenance than LIDAR systems.
OPSENE can raise its sensitivity by increasing emitted power, increasing the number of repeats, increasing the sampling rate, or a combination thereof.
OPSENE can increase the detection range by decreasing the scanning speed, by increasing the emitted power, or a combination thereof. LIDAR can only do the second.
OPSENE's price is much lower than LIDAR.