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iintegra group

The company Integra Telecomunicación, Seguridad y Control S.A. (henceforward iintegra) was founded in early 2001 in order to carry out the group's activities and satisfy its customer needs in Spain and throughout the World.

Later, the company created Integraciones Tecnicas de Seguridad S.A., majoritarily owned by Integra Telecomunicación, Seguridad y Control S.A., both of them becoming the iintegra group with customers in Europe, America and Australia.


                                      design         installation 

            service        manufacturing                                                                                 engineering                                                                                                         

The iintegra group has recently set up a R+D department in order to use the experience achieved in the electronic engineering field and use that knowledge to create innovative and environmentally friendly products to provide high added value for customers. 

iintegra has a staff of engineers and technicians with wide experience in electronics, telecommunications, and software, capable of undertaking the most complex projects, and being able to develop those products that are needed to integrate the most diverse systems to suit and satisfy customer needs, where the traditional market solutions cannot provide enough value.


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